You’ve got to watch out for trans-fat and eliminate it from your diet. Trans-fat comes from partially hydrogenated oils. You find it in processed and fast foods. Trans-fat raises bad cholesterol (LDL) while lowering good cholesterol (HDL). You also need to watch the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6. We get too few 3’s and too many 6’s. When you cut down on processed and fast foods, you decrease 6’s. Another way is by switching to grass-fed beef. A high-protein, low-carb diet is good for you, as long as you’re getting the right fats.
1 “Behind the Bean: The Heroes and Charlatans of the Natural and Organic Soy Foods Industry,” (p. 18) Accessed 02 2010. 2 “Paraguay may limit soy farming in land reform,” Interview 12 Sep 2008 16:59:39 GMT: Reuters. By Mariel Cristaldo. 3 “Behind the Bean: The Heroes and Charlatans of the Natural and Organic Soy Foods Industry,” (p. 18) Accessed 02 2010. 4 “Behind the Bean: The Heroes and Charlatans of the Natural and Organic Soy Foods Industry,” (p. 18) Accessed 02 2010. 5 Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board. Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes. Dietary Reference Intakes for Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, and Choline. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1998. 6 Milea, D. “Blindness in a strict vegan.” N. Engl. J. Med. 342: 897- 898; 2000. 7 Hunt, J.R.; Roughead, Z.K. “Nonheme-iron absorption, fecal ferritin excretion, and blood indexes of iron status in women consuming controlled lactoovovegetarian diets for 8 weeks.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 69: 944-952; 1999. 8 Lozoff, B.; Jimenez, E.; Hagen, J.; Mollen, E.; Wolf, A.W. “Poorer behavioral and developmental outcome more than 10 years after treatment for iron deficiency in infancy.” Pediatrics 105: e51; 2000. 9 Allen, L.H. “Anemia and iron deficiency: effects on pregnancy outcome.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 71(suppl): 1280s-1284s; 2000. 10 Hunt, J.R.; Matthys, L.A.; Johnson, L.K. “Zinc absorption, mineral balance, and blood lipids in women consuming controlled lactoovovegetarian and omnivorous diets for 8 weeks.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 67: 421- 430; 1998. 11 Kelley NS, Hubbard NE, Erickson KL. (2007). “Conjugated linoleic acid isomers and cancer.” J Nutr (UC Davis, Ca, USA) 137 (12): 2599-607. 12 Linus Pauling Institute. “Micronutrient Information Center.” Accessed 02 2010. 13 Robinson, J. Pasture Perfect: The Far Reaching Benefits of Choosing Meat, Eggs, and Dairy Products From Grass-Fed Animals. Vashon Island Press. 2004. 14 Rule D.C. (2002). “Comparison of muscle fatty acid profiles and cholesterol concentrations of bison, beef cattle, elk, and chicken.” Journal of Animal Science, 80: 1202-1211. 15 “Scientific Research.” Accessed 02 2010. 16 Dhiman, T.R., G.R. Anand, L.D. Satter, and M.W. Pariza. (1999). “Conjugated Linolenic Acid Content of Milk from Cows Fed Different Diets.” J Dairy Sci. 82, (10): 2146-56. 17 Smith, G.C. “Dietary Supplementation of Vitamin E to Cattle to Improve Shelf-Life and Case-Life for Domestic and International Markets.” Colorado State University Department of Animal Sciences. Accessed 02 2010. 18 Prache, S., A. Priolo, et al. (2003). “Persistence of carotenoid pigments in the blood of concentrate-finished grazing sheep: its significance for the traceability of grass-feeding.” J Anim Sci 81(2): 360-7. The Truth About “Vitamin Sunshine”You can lower your risk of 17 types of cancer by 77%, just by taking a simple nutrient: |
Consider this:10• Cloud cover reduces vitamin D exposure by 50%.• Pollution can reduce vitamin D exposure by 60%. • Glass doesn’t allow vitamin D to penetrate. • Sunscreen doesn’t allow vitamin D to penetrate. |
1. We wear clothing.The next time you go in for a physical, ask your doctor to check your level of vitamin D. It’s a simple, inexpensive test that provides valuable information.
2. We wear sunscreen.
3. We don’t migrate with the sun.
4. We don’t live near the equator.
5. We work inside during the day.
6. We drive cars that block the sun.
7. We may have excess body fat that doesn’t absorb as well.
8. We may be older in years with less ability to absorb as well.
9. We may have dark skin pigmentation that doesn’t absorb as well.
10. We develop food allergies and intolerances that prevent absorption.
11. We adhere to diets such as strict vegetarianism that prevent absorption.
12. We take certain drugs, antibiotics, or corticosteroids that prevent absorption.
Boost D to Beat Disease
I recommend you aim for a minimum of 2,000 I.U. of vitamin D a day. If you get your level tested and it’s low, take between 5,000 and 10,000 I.U. a day from a variety of sources.Try and go outside and expose your body to sunlight every day. As little as 10 minutes in the midday sun produces 10,000 units of vitamin D. You feel instantly better.
Add sources of vitamin D to your diet. Below is a list of foods that contain vitamin D. Or take a daily supplement. Cod liver oil is one of the best natural sources. Plus, it offers a bonus. It contains vitamin A, plenty of omega-3s, and is convenient to take.
Amount | Units | |
Cod Liver Oil | 1 Tbsp. | 1360 |
Herring | 3 Oz. | 1383 |
Catfish | 3 Oz. | 425 |
Salmon, cooked | 3.5 Oz. | 360 |
Mackerel, cooked | 3.5 Oz. | 345 |
Sardines, canned in oil, drained | 1.75 Oz. | 250 |
Tuna, canned in oil | 3 Oz. | 200 |
Eel, cooked | 3.5 Oz. | 200 |
Pork spare ribs | 3 Oz. | 88 |
Beef liver, pan fried | 3 Oz. | 42 |
Egg, whole | 1 | 25 |
1 Ray MM, Long AN, et al. “Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in an Urban General Internal Medicine Academic Practice,” 2009 Southern Regional Meeting Abstracts Session: SSGIM Research Abstract Session C.
2 Melamed ML, Michos ED, Post W, Astor B “25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and the risk of mortality in the general population.” Arch Intern Med. 2008 Aug 11;168(15):1629-37.
3 Gordon, CM, et al. “Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency Among Healthy Infants and Toddlers.” Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2008;162(6):505-512.
4 Kumar, J, et al. “Prevalence and Associations of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Deficiency in US Children: NHANES 2001–2004.” Pediatrics 2009.
5 Lappe JM, et al. “Vitamin D and calcium supplementation reduces cancer risk: results of a randomized trial.” Am J Clin Nutr. 2007;85:1586-91.
6 Garland CF, et al. “Vitamin D and prevention of breast cancer: pooled analysis.” J Steroid. Biochem Mol Biol. 2007;103;708-11.
7 Hypponen E, et al. “Intake of Vitamin D and risk of type 1 diabetes: a birth-cohort study.” Lancet 2001;358:1500-3.
8Bischolff-Ferrari HA, et al. “Fracture prevention with vitamin D supplementation: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.” JAMA. 2005;293:2257-64.
9 Lappe JM., et al. “Vitamin D and calcium supplementation reduces cancer risk: results of a randomized trial.” Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Jun;85(6):1586-91.
10 “Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Vitamin D” Accessed Jan 2010.
New York City Takes On Salt
The Real Issue… and Why You Need to Know About It
Did you see the January 10th New York Times report about salt?New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently named it his next “Public Enemy #1.”
His health department already banned trans-fats in restaurants. And forced calorie counts to be listed on menus. Now they’re taking on salt.2
The real question they should be asking is not “Should you eat salt or not?” It’s “What kind of salt should you eat?”
Good News for Salt Lovers
You need salt to live, and to continue living. No doubt about it…- A human embryo develops in salty amniotic fluid.
- Your body consists of three distinct fluid systems, all salty – blood plasma, lymphatic fluid, and extracellular fluid.
- Salt carries nutrients across cell membranes into your cells.
- Salt keeps calcium and other minerals soluble in your blood.
- Salt helps regulate muscle contractions.
- The mainstay of fluid replacement therapy for treatment of dehydration – or as an IV therapy to prevent hypovolemic shock due to blood loss – is a saline solution of 0.9% sodium chloride.
- Salt helps regulate blood pressure and fluid volume.
- In hot temperatures, salt regulates your fluid balance.
- It helps stimulate your nerves by increasing conductivity in nerve cells… for communication and information processing.
You’re unable to digest food without it. Your heart needs it to function. So do your adrenals. Your liver and kidneys cannot work without salt.
You sweat salt. Your tears are salty. Your blood is salty.
So I trust you’ll look past conventional medicine’s blindness in pressing for low-salt diets.
Is Low-Salt Really Better?
The idea that salt consumption causes high blood pressure in the first place is a relatively recent belief… based, in fact, on questionable conclusions from a handful of studies.Repeated studies failed to show a major causal link between salt intake and high blood pressure. In fact, some research points in the opposite direction.3
A huge government study on thousands of people concluded that minerals – especially potassium and magnesium – are better at lowering blood pressure than salt.4
Even the CDC’s own data over the space of 30 years showed that adequate mineral intake acts to keep your blood pressure low.5
A low-salt diet supposedly reduces your risk of heart attacks and strokes. But where’s the evidence? I’ve seen compelling evidence that shows you increase your risk of a heart attack on a low-salt diet.6
Why an increase?
Because low-salt diets can create or worsen nutritional deficiencies. And you know you need vitamins and minerals for good heart health.
So I take conventional medicine’s low-salt advice with a grain of salt… and suggest you do, too. This should come as good news if you enjoy salty foods.
But yet, it’s worth considering what type of salt is best for your health.
Choose “Living” Salt for Life
Regular table salt is a highly processed product that’s devoid of nutrients and minerals – like most other processed foods.Due to extensive processing, which either destroys nutrients with high temperatures or strips them out, it lacks the nutrients found naturally in unrefined salts such as sea salt.
I advise switching to natural sea salt as your replacement for “traditional” table salt.
Think of unrefined salt as a whole, living food, because it is. It provides up to 82 vital trace minerals that promote your best possible life function and cellular health.
Even in tiny amounts, these minerals rally to regulate your body’s systems. They restock your electrolytes and balance your acid/alkaline levels.
Say Good-Bye to Traditional Table Salt
Your best way to replace processed table salt with unrefined sea salt is to eat whole organic vegetables, fruits, and meats you cook yourself… then add your own sea salt to taste.Here’s a list of high-sodium prepared foods, with lower sodium alternatives to substitute. Choose these options… and add your own healthy replacement for processed table salt.
Sources of Added Salt | Substitute Instead |
Canned / frozen vegetables | Fresh vegetables |
Soups | Homemade soup |
Ready-to-eat cereals | Shredded wheat, puffed rice, oatmeal, low-sodium cereals |
Celery salt, garlic salt | Caraway seeds, pepper, garlic, parsley, sesame, thyme, lemon, other spices |
Salad Dressings | Homemade dressings |
Steak sauces, sauces, Prepared mustard, catsup | Lemon, spices |
Crackers, potato chips, Corn chips | Salt-free matzah, crackers, |
Club soda | Seltzer water, juices |
Bacon, ham, salami | Nitrite-free sandwich meats |
Fast food | Salad, sandwiches |
Still Worried About High Blood Pressure?
Since studies show poor outcomes for people low in minerals, here are some ways to increase your dietary intake of the most critical ones. Magnesium – Helpful for healthy heart function and normal blood pressure. Dark green leafy veggies like spinach are rich in magnesium because chlorophyll molecules contain magnesium. Beans, peas, nuts, seeds, and seafood also provide magnesium. You should strive to eat enough magnesium-rich foods to get 500-1,000 mg of magnesium daily.
Potassium – Maintains normal fluid and electrolyte balance, and promotes normal muscle function. Helps optimize blood pressure levels.7
Foods rich in potassium include orange-colored fruits and veggies like apricots, cantaloupe, oranges, nectarines, peaches, sweet potatoes, and butternut and acorn squash. Other foods rich in potassium are black and kidney beans, spinach, Swiss chard, artichokes, bananas, kiwi, fish, meat, poultry, and milk. You should strive to get your potassium from a healthy diet.
Calcium – Populations with low calcium intake have higher blood pressure. But it’s not been proven that popping extra calcium supplements will automatically lower your blood pressure.
1 “Citing Hazard, New York Says Hold the Salt,” The New York Times, 01/10/10.
3 “Salt Your Way to Health,” Brownstein, David, M.D., (Reprinted from the Winter 2006 issue of A Grain of Salt.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid.
6 Ibid.
7 “Lower Your Blood Pressure with Potassium-Rich Foods,” The Vancouver Sun, 02/11/10.
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