Monday, November 30, 2020

Olive Oil Strengthens Your Immune System

The health benefits of olive oil are well-known. 

Even the fat-phobic diet culture has embraced olive oil as a part of a healthy diet. There are just too many studies on its heart-healthy advantages to ignore.

But there's a little-known benefit of olive oil that might make you drizzle a little more on your salad tonight… 

As the world comes together to figure out ways to strengthen the immune system naturally, experts are turning to foods and nutrients that can support your system throughout the cold and flu season.

And olive oil might help. 

We know that high-quality, cold-pressed olive oil is packed with antioxidants that can help lower inflammation and battle metabolic disease.

Olive oil may help strengthen your immune system

That's right -- inflammation and metabolic disease lead to lower immune function, making you more susceptible to viruses, bacteria, and other infections. 

But there's a catch. You have to have the right kind of olive oil. 

You need high-antioxidant oils to get those anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting benefits. 

And the truth is… most store-bought oils have already been sitting on the shelves for months, slowly losing their potency.

Not only that, many brands water down their product with cheaper oils. Even when you're paying for the real thing! And because of lax FDA guidelines, the manufacturers don't even have to disclose it on the label. 

The ONLY way to get the immune-boosting benefits of pure extra virgin olive oil is to choose a brand you trust. 

If you want the health benefits of olive oil, you have to have the best.

Lung Restoration and Strengthening Ver 2.0 (Morphic Field)


Friday, May 1, 2020

Trace Adkins - Tough People Do (2020 Studio Video)

 I loved this song before, but this new release from Trace is even better in my opinion, and perfect for what we're all going through. 

Stay strong everyone, have a great day!

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

2 pieces of good news.. Will Covid-19 be ending sooner?

Finally we are getting a bit of good news with
Piece of good news #1:
 Murray model, “The model used by most countries” to
measure deaths in terms of population has been
consistently inaccurate.
 Scientists from University of East Anglia “UEA” are
now claiming that the rate that Covid-19 moves through
a population and then burns out is a lot faster than
originally thought. AKA: We could be in recovery faster
than originally though.
Piece of good news #2:
 The Oxford Center for Evidence Based Medicine (CEBM)
reduced their best-guess estimate on deaths from 0.51%
down to 0.1–0.26%.
 Among other things, they think some people who have
been classified as dying of COVID-19 didn’t actually
die of the disease but rather of serious existing
conditions, and they just happened to have COVID-19
when they died. (Read the article below)
 With billions of people worldwide locked down wondering
when the tide will turn, some of the data coming out
is offering rays of light.
(Originally shared with me by - awesome fella :-)

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Dr. Russell Blaylock explains why the masses are becoming cognitively retarded and incapable of rational thought

Dr. Russell Blaylock explains why the masses are becoming cognitively retarded and incapable of rational thought: Is society getting dumber by the day? It may not just be your imagination: As Dr. Russell Blaylock, a retired neurosurgeron, posits, the stupidity of the masses may be by design. Through a barrage of toxic chemicals and compounds, Blaylock says the government is purposely trying to dumb-down the masses.