Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Confidential Cures testimonial

Today I wanted to take a quick break from the strictly business side to share with you a 
Confidential Cures testimonial.

“Confidential Cures has been a major reinforcement for me to follow a natural program to eliminate cancer.

At the end of 2013, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The biopsy revealed cancer was through the entire left half of the prostate with some perineural penetration. The head surgeon at Australia’s major cancer institute (Peter Macallum House) recommended to have it out almost immediately. When I asked what the cause was they told me, “we don’t know” and “its related to lifestyle”. When I asked if I could fix it with diet and nutrition, I was met with a “I don’t know of anyone who has done that”.

I delayed the surgery and began hunting down resources. Following a rather complex diet and nutrition plan, 5 months later a follow up biopsy revealed no cancer to be found.

During the process I also lost a heap of excess weight, dramatically reduced arthritic pain, no longer have seem to get Hay fever, and have way more energy! That was 4 years ago.

Yes, cancer can be eliminated from your body naturally, and fantastic people like Dr. Sears are helping people do just that.

Thank you so much, Dr. Sears, for helping me get my life back!”


Dr Sears Product Catalog

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