Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Confidential Cures testimonial

Today I wanted to take a quick break from the strictly business side to share with you a 
Confidential Cures testimonial.

“Confidential Cures has been a major reinforcement for me to follow a natural program to eliminate cancer.

At the end of 2013, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The biopsy revealed cancer was through the entire left half of the prostate with some perineural penetration. The head surgeon at Australia’s major cancer institute (Peter Macallum House) recommended to have it out almost immediately. When I asked what the cause was they told me, “we don’t know” and “its related to lifestyle”. When I asked if I could fix it with diet and nutrition, I was met with a “I don’t know of anyone who has done that”.

I delayed the surgery and began hunting down resources. Following a rather complex diet and nutrition plan, 5 months later a follow up biopsy revealed no cancer to be found.

During the process I also lost a heap of excess weight, dramatically reduced arthritic pain, no longer have seem to get Hay fever, and have way more energy! That was 4 years ago.

Yes, cancer can be eliminated from your body naturally, and fantastic people like Dr. Sears are helping people do just that.

Thank you so much, Dr. Sears, for helping me get my life back!”


Dr Sears Product Catalog

Friday, June 8, 2018

A tiny $1 pill is proven in new clinical trials to reverse Alzheimer’s in just 90 days!

Another exciting revelation from Dr. Sears, 

Check out the Free eBook he is offering entitled 
"Health Confidential"

Untitled Document
Dear Reader,

You won’t hear about it from your doctor, Big Pharma, or any TV commercial...

But UCLA researchers just formulated a new pill from the extract of an ancient Asian spice.

One that’s proven more powerful than 19 of America’s top-selling drugs... without side effects.

And it costs just $1.

This may sound incredible...

But more than 6,600 studies have been conducted on this “Wonder Drug”...

Clinical trials are underway at institutions like Johns Hopkins and Baylor.

And they are all reaching one conclusion...

This could be the medical breakthrough of the 21st century...
In fact, the research shows this can prevent, treat, and even reverse ALL 619 known diseases!

Everything from all types of cancer to Alzheimer’s, heart disease and diabetes.

And if it goes mainstream, 19 of the most popular, best-selling drugs will become OBSOLETE overnight.

That’s why Big Pharma and their FDA cronies are doing everything in their power to suppress this story.

But there’s nothing they can do to stop it...

You see, I’ve also been on the ground floor of this historic breakthrough from the very beginning...

That gives me access to certain information most aren’t privy to... and I’ve decided to blow the lid off of this “Wonder Drug” discovery in a special dossier

This presentation is going viral, with more than 2 million views in the last several weeks.

Millions of Americans are waking up to this perfectly safe, natural, and more powerful option.

Now you can join them.

Click the link below for details on the $1 pill for all disease:
To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS

 Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find out.
― Frank A. Clark

Friday, June 1, 2018

Cancers Achillies Heal - New Hope.

I urge you to read this free report, 
it's an eye opener.

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He’s devoted 60 years of his life to cancer research. Yet, a Nobel Prize winning scientist now says we’ve made very little progress in defeating it.
His name is Dr. James Watson. He’s one of three men who discovered DNA – the genetic coding of every cell. And for six decades, he led the charge to find the genetic mutations that cause cancer.
But, after billions of dollars, countless research hours, and an untold number of lives lost, he now says we have “made no dent in cancer mortality.”
Dr. Watson is calling on the cancer community to take a different path. To attack the disease at its “Achilles heel” – a weak spot found in every single cancer cell. And to find a solution that can stop cancer, once and for all.
But the thing is, we already have a solution. And we’ve had it for more than 90 years.
You won’t hear about any of this in mainstream media. Many cancer researchers and oncologists have never heard of cancer’s Achilles heel. But after reading this free report, you can judge for yourself.

If you, or someone you love, have cancer, this information could save your life.  Click here to read it now.

   I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we're all teachers - if we're willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door.
― Marla Gibbs