Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Awful Truth - CoQ10 Works!

Coq10 are already naturally present in a variety of foods, but levels are particularly
high in organ meats (such as heart, liver and kidney), as well as beef, soy oil,
sardines, mackerel and peanuts.

Keep in mind that you'd have to eat a pound of sardines or two pounds or peanuts just to get 30 mg of coq10

There’s a new form of CoQ10 … and it may be the most critical discovery since
Karl Folkers first identified CoQ10 back in 1958.

The new form of CoQ10 - called Accel - is 8 times more potent than regular CoQ10
and has already been shown to slow the aging process by up to 51%! Now you can feel like a
teenager well into your 60’s and 70’s.

The science behind this new discovery is published and peer reviewed. It's not a theory
or hopeful speculation. It's a  done deal. Instead of ending up slow, weak and feeble -
you'll keep the mental and physical powers you've enjoyed all your life.

Keep reading to learn how you can benefit from Dr. Sears’ Accel with
NO RISK and ignite the power source inside every one of your body's trillion cells.

For more information, watch the video or CLICK HERE and go to the Nutrition tab!

Dr. Sears' Real Heart Strength - Audio
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  • Burn more fat—it will literally melt from your body

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There's no risk… If you're not 100% thrilled with Supra-Aerobics just let me know within 90 days and we'll promptly refund your money.

1 comment:

  1. Just pay the money and that will give you the information that you need to last a life time? Not as likely as my post not making it on this blog. If this information is fact we would see it posted in other location.
