Monday, February 22, 2010

Anti-Aging Expert Reports Amazing Results

Al Sears, MD11903 Southern Blvd., Ste. 208Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
February 22, 2010
Dear ian,

I just heard from Jackie Silver.

She’s the anti-aging expert on the syndicated television show, Daytime, and author of the book, Aging Backwards: Secrets to Staying Young.
Here’s what she said…
“I had to write and tell you that I LOVE Revive!! Everyone knows I’m your number one fan already, but you really have outdone yourself with this product!

“As you know, I’ve only just STARTED using the cream since receiving it from you a few weeks ago, but I can already notice an amazing change in my skin.“As an anti-aging and beauty expert, I am called upon to try every new product that comes out, and I already look much younger than my age (50).

But with Revive, I have really noticed a huge improvement! I have seen: 1) a reduction of fine lines; 2) my skin just looks plump and juicy; 3) the skin tone is evened out; and 4) my skin looks like it did in my 30s, if not 20s!”
We’ve had thousands of people respond to this stuff. My staff loves it.
In case you haven’t heard about this phenomenon yet, you can find out more now…
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD

Dear ian,

On Oct. 26, 2008, people from all over the country attended my first ever conference on telomeres (pronounced tell-o-meers).

Surrounded by some of the world’s most recognized, cutting-edge researchers in the field, we shared how telomeres are the key to aging. And everyone who witnessed the event walked away with the ability to control their aging clock and add years of abundant health to their lives.

Telomeres are the “time keepers” attached to every strand of your DNA. They’re critical to youthful cell function. But each time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter. When your telomeres run down, cell division stops and your life ends.

The telomere is the most important discovery in human history. We now understand the mechanism of aging and how to influence it. Life on this planet will never be the same.
In fact, the discovery of telomeres just won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine.

I’ve been researching the power of telomeres for years now. I’m the first physician ever licensed to administer TA-65 — the only commercially available treatment that lengthens human telomeres. TA-65 is the most dramatic advance in the world of life extension.

And now, I’ve discovered a way to apply this Nobel Prize-winning breakthrough to skin care. It virtually shuts down the aging of your skin’s DNA.

By repairing your skin’s DNA, you can plump up your skin and erase wrinkles, tighten up your sagging jaw line, make your crow’s feet disappear, and banish sun and aging spots.1

It all begins with an extract that slows the aging process and can extend the lifespan of your skin cells by up to 30%.2
This amazing extract, called teprenone, delays the shortening of your telomeres and protects your skin’s DNA so you can avoid many of the destructive effects that come with age.3
We all get a thrill when we’re told we look younger than we really are. We feel young, we think young, we act young … and we want to LOOK young, for as long as possible.
That’s why this compound is so exciting. It’s the single best – and easiest – thing you can do for your skin to restore the youth and energy you want the world to see.
Each and every day toxins bombard your skin. And when those enzymes disappear it degrades the proteins, antioxidants and oxygen your skin needs to thrive… and damages your skin’s DNA in the process.
Teprenone actively limits – even prevents – oxidative build up in your skin cells and protect your DNA by helping your skin to produce a protein that protects cells against oxidant damage. It also protects the antioxidant activity naturally produced by your skin cells.4
I made it one of the key ingredients in my new DNA Rejuvenation Cream, Revive.

My Revive DNA Rejuvenation Cream helps maintain telomeres and extend the lifespan of your skin cells. I’ve added other key ingredients to help erase all of the signs of aging and revive the youth and radiance of younger years.

These potent skin-saving ingredients have real science behind them. In clinical trials of women, the results were remarkable.

Check out these numbers:5

  • 100% increased the level of moisture in their skin
  • 100% saw sun spots improve significantly
  • Over 90% saw a decrease in redness and pore size
  • 75% experienced an improvement in skin tone and elasticity
  • 75% felt roughness and fine lines faded noticeably
When you look at old pictures, you might find yourself surprised to see the beautiful face you wore as a teenager. You probably still envision yourself the same … clear, tight skin … fleshy cheeks … high forehead.
Teprenone is a stunning breakthrough. But there’s more to the story. Great skin also needs hyaluronic acid (HA). You had plenty when you were young, but it drops off as you age.
You may have heard of HA before. You’ll find it in popular fillers that dermatologists inject into the skin to puff up your lips, neutralize your frown lines and smooth out your skin.
There’s a good reason it’s such a popular cosmetic enhancement. HA has the amazing ability to hold vast amounts of water… absorbing around 1000 times its weight in water.
Without enough moisture, your skin becomes loose, dry and wrinkled… adding years to your age.

But when your skin has enough HA, all that water plumps up your skin, enhancing volume and elasticity to restore a youthful balance to your face.
You don’t have to get an injection to receive the benefits of HA. When you use it topically, you still get great results.

That’s because your skin can absorb HA at a cellular level. Unlike some other moisturizers that simply sit on the top of your skin, HA sinks into the deeper levels of your skin tissue.

It also acts as a “carrier,”6 delivering all of the anti-aging ingredients in Revive deeply into your cells for a younger looking face.
You’ll even notice age spots start to get lighter and eventually fade.
Those dark spots on your skin, known as sunspots or age spots, are a natural darkening that occurs in response to the sun’s UV rays. Repairing and protecting your skin is the only way to get rid of them, and prevent more from occurring.

The ingredients in Revive work to repair skin from the DNA level. In fact, clinical trials showed that Revive increased cell resistance to harmful UVB by as much as 100%.7

Squalane is a naturally-occurring lipid in your skin. You had plenty of it during your childhood and into your teen years. The problem is, once you enter your 20s, the amount of squalane in your skin decreases rapidly.
More importantly, that loss of squalane opens you up to sunburn and damage caused by the suns UV rays.8

Squalane has a powerful hydrating action and penetrates into the deepest layer of your skin for the most protection. At the same time, it produces a barrier against water loss, restoring moisture and suppleness to your face, and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

The addition of this pure, essential oil to my formula encourages cell regeneration and leaves your face soft and glowing for the world to see.
And that’s good news. Today it’s becoming more and more important to choose natural products for your precious skin. That’s why I’ve developed a blend of the finest and most powerful natural ingredients for Revive.

It’s unfortunate, but women all over America and across the globe slather dangerous chemicals on their faces every day. The ingredients in a large number of so-called “anti-aging” skincare products can damage your DNA and prevent it from repairing itself.
One of the skincare industry’s biggest mistakes was PABA, an ingredient added to products to reduce the damage from the sun’s UV rays.
When studies were performed on PABA it was determined that, in the dark, it’s harmless. Expose it to sunlight, and it starts attacking your DNA. So while it may prevent you from getting sunburn, it could easily contribute to sun-related cancers.9
Another ingredient found in some skin lotions and facial cleansers is ethylene glycol. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), you’ll find this compound in antifreeze and de-icing solutions for cars, airplanes, and boats.
Is this really something you want to put on your face?

Here’s another one you should know about: propylene glycol is an active ingredient in at least 12,080 products that touch your skin. You’ll find it in cosmetics as an additive to help you retain moisture and build a moisture barrier.

Propylene glycol is often an ingredient in antifreeze, tire sealant, rubber cleaner, paint, degreasers and adhesives.

Need I say more?

You won’t find any parabens, carcinogens, pollutants or gasoline distillates of any kind in my products.

When you use Revive, you can rest assured that every single ingredient is natural, healthful, and hand-selected by me to provide a healthy, vibrant look to you skin… with no cause for concern.

Your skin is the largest organ of your body. When it’s maintained properly with effective skincare, it can lead to an overall healthier and younger lifestyle.

In this letter, you’ve already discovered the huge impact your telomeres and DNA have on the age of your skin, and how Revive literally halts your skin’s aging process.

I stand by my Revive Rejuvenation Cream.

I guarantee you’re going to love the way your face looks after using Revive. If you’re not entirely happy, I’ll send you a full refund, no questions asked. Just return the empty or partially used jar, and I’ll make sure you get all of your money back.

But once you discover how radiant and vibrant your skin looks with Revive, you won’t want to part with it for any amount of money.

Get started today, and feel the joy that comes with a healthier, more youthful face.

To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD 1 The Effects of Temprenone on Aging Skin. Study for patent WO 2006/120646, Sederma, Inc. 2009
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.
4 Topical Use of Teprenone. Study for patent WO 2006/120646, Sederma, Inc. 2009
5 Ibid.
6 Absorption of Hyaluronan Applied to the Surface of Intact Skin; Journal of Investigative Dermatology (1999) 113, 740–746; doi:10.1046/j.1523-1747.1999.00745; Tracey J Brown, Daine Alcorn and J Robert E Fraser
7 The Effects of Temprenone on Aging Skin. Study for patent WO 2006/120646, Sederma, Inc. 2009
8 The possible role of squalene and its peroxide of the sebum in the occurrence of sunburn and protection from the damage caused by U.V. irradiation; J Toxicol Sci 1984 May;9(2):151-9; Ohsawa K, Watanabe T, Matsukawa R, Yoshimura Y, Imaeda K.
9 Sunlight-induced mutagenicity of a common sunscreen ingredient; Department of Biochemistry, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QU, UK; John Knowland,, Edward A McKenzie, Peter J McHugh and Nigel A Cridland

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Flip the Switch, Open the Floodgates

Al Sears, MD11903 Southern Blvd., Ste. 208Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
February 19, 2010
Dear ian,
Blood flow.
That’s what you need for your best physical performance.
You need to “open the floodgates.”
It’s that simple.
If you were here in my clinic, I’d tell you the same thing.
And you can easily boost blood flow to the right area. You can do it whenever you want. All you have to do is “open the floodgates.”
I’m going to tell you about a natural secret that “opens the floodgates.”
Why should you want to be able to open these floodgates?
Because when you do, the result is immediate potency.
Potency is more than just getting it up when you’re in the mood.
Potency is a combination of strength and desire. It’s a feeling of extraordinary potential, like having your foot on the accelerator of a turbo-charged sports car.
Potency is power on demand.
Potency is all about blood flow. That means getting oxygen-rich blood to every part of your body at a moment’s notice. It’s easy for young people, because their veins and arteries easily expand to handle the extra flow.
As you get older, your veins and arteries tend to get narrower and stiffer. But you can keep your blood flowing at any age.
You just have to know how to “flip the switch” so those floodgates open up.
Nature’s secret to big blood flow is nitric oxide, (N.O.). It’s the switch from the lining of your blood vessels that makes them open up.
Blood vessels are elastic-like balloons. With the right signal, they can expand rapidly. When they’re open full throttle, they can move tremendous amounts of blood.
As you get older, your supply of N.O. drops off. Your body just doesn’t make as much as it used to. That makes it much harder for your arteries to expand. But if you turn on N.O., blood can get to the place where it counts.
That means plenty of action. And a lot more fun.
So far so good. But here is where most doctors have made a mistake.
They don’t realize your body has a built-in defense mechanism that will sabotage every effort you make to keep those floodgates open.
If you give your body outside help, you’ll get decent short-term results. But the effects will start to wear off. And after a few months you’re right back where you started.
Think of it as the “coffee effect.” The first time you had coffee, it was probably very stimulating.
But as time goes on, you need more and more to get the same effect. Your body stops reacting to it. This is called down regulation. When you give yourself an outside stimulant, your body will “turn down” your sensitivity as a way of protecting itself.
It’s the same thing when you take a pill that opens the floodgates and gives you great blood flow. Short-term results are usually good. But you lose the effect over time.
When guys come to my clinic, we take care of this problem.
Here’s what I do: I give them two, specially designed formulas. They take the first one for a month. Then they take the second one for a month.
Here’s how they work…
Part one is called Natural T: Red.
The key here is blood flow.
The first step to more N.O. (and huge blood flow) is a simple nutrient called l-arginine. This building block is a precursor to nitric oxide. That means your body uses it to create N.O.
L-arginine is the most reliable, fast-acting tool for improving blood flow.
The doctors who discovered how nitric oxide works were jointly awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine. These award-winning scientists found l-arginine is your body’s chief source for creating nitric oxide. Remember, N.O. opens the floodgates.
Current studies suggest the use of l-arginine to ensure the level of nitric oxide is high enough to keep blood flowing to the penis. One study showed a whopping 80% percent improvement in function for men who took just 2.8 grams of l-arginine for two weeks.1
Another study showed that more than 1/3 of the men who took 5 grams of l-arginine reported a significant improvement in erectile function.2
This stuff is amazing. But there’s something you should know. L-arginine by itself will only give you a temporary boost. To get the kind of help that lasts, I added something special. Something most doctors and fitness gurus don’t know about.

Here’s the secret to getting a supercharged N.O. boost:

Basic l-arginine is effective, but it has drawbacks. It creates N.O. and sends out the “expand” signal to your blood vessels. But it lasts for maybe an hour after you take it. Then it disappears from your system.

That defeats the purpose. You can’t get your potency back when your N.O. boost is temporary. You need something that gives you a lasting boost throughout the day.
To fix the problem, I added a special form of l-arginine to my Red formula. It’s called arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (A-AKG). This gives you a “time release” effect. Instead of getting a quick boost and then fading fast, you get a sustained N.O. release that lasts the whole day.

A-AKG is far superior to anything else you’ll find out there. It’s time-release extends the power of the standard l-arginine and gives you the power to strike when the urge hits.
When you blend the two together, they are more powerful.
My Red formula is only step one.
The real secret is alternating between the two. By moving between the Red and Black formulas, I believe your body won’t build up a resistance or hit a plateau.
After you take the Red formula, you’ll switch to Black.
During my travels I’ve looked for and gathered what I believe are some of the most potent male performance herbs on the planet.
My trips to India, Peru, Jamaica, and Brazil were full of revelations and treks through the forest. I met with healers and medicine men. (Some medicine women, too.) They showed me their most powerful natural herbs.
I’m working to bring these herbs back to the U.S. Many of them are completely unknown to the Western world. There’s so much to tell you about… For now, I want to share some stories about the herbs in my Black formula.
Tribulus terrestris (puncture vine) has been used in India and Eastern Europe since ancient times. Its legendary status is well-deserved.
Tribulus is a non-hormonal herb… but is thought to have hormonal effects. It has the safety of an herb, and in animal studies it appears to raise levels of sex hormones including testosterone and LH. In a study on chimps published just last year, it ramped up testosterone by over 50%.3
There is preliminary evidence it does the same thing for men. One group of researchers found it lifted levels of testosterone in a small group of healthy men by 30% after only five days.4

Another key herb in my Black formula is Epimedium grandiflorum (horny goat weed). There is preliminary evidence it blocks a man’s worst enemy: PDE5. This enzyme – which is more and more common as you age – reduces your body’s ability to make nitric oxide (N.O.).
As you already know, N.O. is critical for getting it up. PDE5 is the bad guy that blocks it… In fact, PDE5 is one of the main reasons older guys are not as hard.
Muira puama (potency wood) is a famous aphrodisiac that grows in the Amazon basin in Brazil. During my trip, I spoke to traditional healers about its legendary powers. It’s been used to help men for hundreds – if not thousands – of years.
The UCLA School of Medicine has investigated this potent herb, and the British Herbal pharmacopoeia lists it as a means of getting help in the bedroom.
One published journal study suggests muira puama helped over 50% of men with this problem.5
While these herbs have centuries of traditional use behind them, there’s a modern plague zapping men’s strength and manhood. And it’s not happening in the remote Amazon jungles… it’s happening right here on Main Street, USA.
By alternating between Red and Black, you stay ahead of the game.
After years of research, my Natural T formula is finally ready. And I’ve seen what it can do.
That’s why I’m so excited for you to have your own experience.
Try Natural T today.
You’ll get help with better blood flow, more energy, and more enthusiasm.
You can alternate between my Red and Black formulas as long as you like. You’ll always respond, because you cycle between the two.
If it doesn’t work for you, or if you don’t feel like it lived up to your expectations, just ask for my no-hassle refund. You’ll get all your money back with no questions asked.
When you recharge your body and give it the right building blocks, anything is possible.
Natural T sidesteps all the problems you may have experienced with other formulas.
You don’t have to come to my clinic to get the help I give my patients.
It’s here for you right now.
Just click HERE…
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD

1 Zorgniotti, AW, Lizza EF. “Effect of large doses of the nitric oxide precursor, L-arginine, on erectile dysfunction,” Int J Impot Res 1994; 6(1): 33-35.
2 Chen J, et al. “Effect of oral administration of high-dose nitric oxide donor L-arginine in men with organic erectile dysfunction: results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study,” BJU Int 1999; 83(3): 269-273.
3 Kalamegam Gauthaman and Adaikan P. Ganesan. “The hormonal effects of Tribulus terrestris...” Phytomedicine. 2008. 15(1–2):44-54.
4 Wright J. Muscle and Fitness. 1996. September:140-142, 224.
5 Waynberg J. “Yohimbine vs. muira puama in the treatment of sexual dysfunction.” Am J Nat Med. 1994;1:8-9.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

A Quarter and a Glass of Water

A Quarter and a Glass of Water Saved Ed’s Life.
Could it Save Yours Too?

Dear ian,

The first time I met Ed he told me his story…It could be very important for you…

He was a roofer. He was leaving a job site, climbed into his truck and turned the ignition. But as he was pulling out of the parking lot, his vision suddenly went blurry. “It’s like I just forgot how to drive. Then it got to where I couldn’t feel the right side of my body.” He clenched the steering wheel, but couldn’t move.

His crew panicked as they saw his truck roll off the road and into a ditch. The next thing Ed remembered he was waking up in the hospital and seeing his wife’s grief-stricken face. He wanted to talk to her…“I could think of what I wanted to say but I just couldn’t get the words to come out.” 

After his stroke, Ed told me he saw every specialist but no one could explain why it had happened. He didn’t drink or smoke and had none of the traditional risk factors. He was strong and muscular from a lifetime of working as a roofer, and was only 48 years old. His doctors insisted on the cholesterol lowering drug, Lipitor even though Ed’s cholesterol was only 150.

And this is the point of Ed’s story that I wanted you to know.

Prescription drugs won’t save you from a stroke. But you can slash your risk to almost zero with just a few inexpensive supplements available at your grocery store. Ed didn’t come to see me until another stroke hit. The second one left him bedridden and out of a job.

His doctors put him through a battery of tests at some of the best hospitals in the country. But after 6 months, Ed had no answers. The specialists at John’s Hopkins concluded he would never work again. They told him he could never climb a ladder. Worse still, they told him that he had an 80% chance of having a third stroke, which they said would likely kill him.

Feeling desperate from the weight of his death sentence and the loss of his livelihood, Ed went outside his HMO and came to me.

I measured his risk of stroke with a simple blood test. When his lab results came back, the answer was immediately obvious: He had high levels of an acid that builds up when your antioxidant systems start to fail – the biggest single risk factor for stroke. It was the highest I had ever seen.

I gave Ed a combination of safe and inexpensive supplements to counteract the acid. Ten years later, Ed is healthy and still working. And he never had that third stroke.

Many heart attack victims don’t see it coming either. The same acid that gave Ed two strokes gave Dave a heart attack at the age of 54. When he came to me for help, I found high levels, which I expected. But I also discovered low levels of a critical heart nutrient that most doctors completely overlook.

After 6 months of taking this nutrient twice a day he had no trace of heart disease and his blood pressure dropped to a normal 120 over 80. And he’s not the only one.

I’ve helped thousands of my patients overcome their fear of heart attack and stroke. By eliminating their risk, they sleep better at night. And if you have a family history, the anxiety can be intense – especially as you get older.

Dodge the Heart Attack Causing Hormone

• There’s another very effective predictor of heart disease. When inflammation, injury or infection appears, your liver releases a marker. By measuring it, I can tell how likely you are to develop heart disease.
The New England Journal of Medicine found that men with high levels of this marker were twice as likely to suffer a stroke and 3 times as likely to have a heart attack.1 They also discovered this marker shows up in the blood 6 to 8 years before the event happens. That means it gives you an advance warning. You can take action to prevent them long before they strike.
• Your body produces a particular hormone to help you regulate blood sugar. When levels get too high, you start to gain weight and your body makes dangerous changes that appear in your blood. Triglycerides (blood fat) start to rise and your HDL (good cholesterol) starts to fall. Both your blood pressure and your risk of heart disease go through the roof.
Patients at my clinic are always surprised to discover the extra fat around their belly has put them in the danger zone. And most have no idea that a hormone is the real cause. But a few simple changes in diet fix the problem. There’s no sacrifice involved either. In fact many of my recommendations for heart health include steak, eggs and a glass of wine.
• It may surprise you to learn that cholesterol is a very poor indicator of heart disease. In spite of the drug ads you see on TV and in magazines telling you to push your cholesterol lower and lower, traditional cholesterol scores tell you very little about your real risk.
Many people with high cholesterol never develop heart problems and at least half of the people who have heart attacks have “normal” levels of cholesterol (below 200). But there’s an effective new test that gives you the real story about your cholesterol.
Traditional cholesterol tests pick up only 45% of cholesterol problems. The new one identifies about 90% of them. What’s more, the new test can determine whether your cholesterol is actually dangerous or if it is present in your bloodstream but harmless in terms of triggering a heart attack.

Get the Exercise Your Heart Really Needs

Even more surprising than finding out cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease is discovering that traditional exercise ramps up your risk of heart attack.
Aerobics, jogging and marathons have led you in the wrong direction. This type of long-duration activity puts stress on your heart that actually makes it shrink. When faced with long bouts of exertion, your body will “downsize” your heart and lungs to economize its use of energy. This keeps your heart going at high output for long periods.
But your body wasn’t designed for long-duration activity. Your ancient ancestors never ran for hours on end. Their activity was more like short bursts of intense exertion followed by rest – the kind used during hunting or escaping from dangerous animals.
When you stress your heart for long periods and force it to shrink, you lose vital reserve capacity. This is the extra pumping power your heart reserves for when it really needs it. If someone is chasing you and you need to get away fast, your heart will draw on that reserve capacity to pump more blood quickly and get more oxygen to your muscles. This gives you the power to get out of trouble.
The same applies for traumatic experiences that are emotional. If you find out that a loved one has suddenly died, the shock of hearing the bad news creates a demand for more oxygen, just like when you’re trying to escape danger.
Losing your reserve capacity means having a heart attack when a stressful situation arises. Every year, well-conditioned long-distance runners suffer sudden cardiac death. And distance runners have much higher rates of sudden cardiac death than all other athletes.
But you can prevent heart attacks and build up your heart’s reserve capacity by training your body in a whole new way. I developed a program over 15 years ago that bulletproofs your heart in less than 10 minutes.
I use it with my patients and get results in a matter of weeks. It strengthens their heart, normalizes their blood pressure and melts pounds of unwanted fat. In several cases I’ve had patients drop over 70 pounds of body fat in 12 weeks. It’s easy to learn and requires no special equipment or gym memberships.

My Patients Beat these Killers Everyday… Why Not You?

Ed and Dave are just two out of thousands that have kicked heart attack and stroke to the curb. Just ask my secretary… The medical records of my past success stories take up two rooms at a warehouse down the street from my clinic.
Here are just a few from my files:
• In 1994, Emily from Houston, Texas came to see me after 5 strokes left her wheelchair bound and barely able to speak. Her doctors told her to “get her affairs in order,” and prepare for the end. But after 3 months of taking the supplements I told you about, she was talking like her old self.
Today she’s walking on her own and hasn’t had another stroke. That’s almost 14 years and counting… (Stroke victims never have “permanent” damage. If it doesn’t kill you, healing starts almost immediately.)
• In 2001, Mike walked into my clinic with advanced heart disease. He was on half a dozen prescription medications and over a hundred pounds over weight. Aside from being obese, his blood pressure was off the charts.
The same “heart nutrient” that helped Dave brought Mike back from an early grave. Combined with a 10-minute routine of heart-healthy exercise, Mike lost that excess weight in about 15 months. He says he “feels like his old self.” And his cardiologist confirms he’s heart disease free.
• Just a few years ago, Larry told me he was scared senseless. Both his father and grandfather died of heart attacks shortly after retirement. At 66, Larry was afraid his time was drawing near.
His fears were justified. After his blood tests came back I knew he was at risk. But with a few simple supplements and changes in diet, those risk factors disappeared in a matter of 12 weeks. Today, Larry is a lot more relaxed. He enjoys golf and time with his family without the anxiety of thinking he could go at any moment.

Cross Heart Attack and Stroke Off Your List of Things to Worry About…

You can beat these killers and put the worry out of your mind for good. Even if you have a family history, I can help you. These methods are safe, proven and effective. Ed prevented his third stroke with just a few simple supplements available at your local grocery store. In The Doctor’s Heart Cure, I show you exactly which ones and how much to take.
These strategies work regardless of your current condition or medical history. I’ll give you all the details behind the techniques I mentioned in this letter and more.
You’ll find out how to stop heart attacks and strokes in a way that’s easy to understand and simple to follow. You’ll learn how to determine your own risk and put together a program that fits your own needs.
Now that you know it’s possible, I’ll show you how to get started right away. And I personally guarantee it will work for you. If it doesn’t, just let me know. You’ll get back every penny. Even your shipping and handling will be refunded.
To help you put the threat of heart attack and stroke behind you, I want you to have 3 more powerful resources. And they won’t cost you a single cent. Eva – my services director – put them into a special Doctor’s Heart Cure Package that’s full of FREE bonuses.

Attention Women: Emergency Room Doctors
May Not Recognize Your Heart Attack Symptoms
Until It’s Too Late…

You may think heart disease is just a man’s problem. But every year, more women die from heart disease than men. It’s the biggest killer of women in American history. And it’s deadlier in women too. Over 40% of women die within a year of their first heart attack versus only 24% for men.
Even most doctors underestimate this risk women face. To help you understand why and exactly what to do, I’m giving you a copy of The Doctor’s Heart Cure for Women.
You’ll discover:
  • The 3 unique risk factors women have, but don’t know about.
  • Why traditional “cardio” accelerates a loss of aging unique to women.
  • The big blunder treating women with heart disease and how to avoid them.
  • Why women are more likely to be deficient in important fats and nutrients because of flawed diet advice.
  • Why emergency rooms fail to diagnose a heart attack in women. (Women experience completely different heart attack symptoms.)
  • And more…

I Use 10 Powerful Supplements that Reverse Disease
in My Patients – Today, I’ll Tell You what They
Are and How to Use Them…

Supplements are one of the keys to preventing heart attack and stroke. There are 10 powerhouse herbs, minerals and nutrients I recommend most often to my patients. They’re easy to find and won’t cost you a fortune.
In my Top 10 Life-Saving Supplements, you’ll find out what they are, how to take them and where to get them. I’ll give you simple, easy-to-follow advice showing you exactly why these super-charged ingredients target and protect the most vulnerable areas of your body and mind.
Here’s a sample of what you’ll find:
  • Just 55 micrograms of this mineral protects you from the 4 deadliest forms of cancer.
  • This “miracle” nutrient has the power to reverse heart disease and prevent heart attacks.
  • This potent herb can boost a man’s testosterone level by 30% in just 5 days. (It was used by Eastern European athletes to enhance their performance during the Olympics – decades before it was “discovered” by the West.)

Throw Away Your Jogging Shoes and Beat Heart Disease in Just Minutes a Day

As another added bonus, you’ll get my Real Heart Strength audio download. You’ll hear me in my own words tell you step-by-step, how to avoid the dangers of traditional exercise and how you can prevent and reverse heart disease in just minutes a day.
In this revealing audio program you’ll learn:
  • What you must do to prevent a heart attack
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To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD

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1 Ridker PM et al. Inflammation, aspirin and the risk of cardiovascular disease in apparently healthy men. New England Journal of Medicine. 1997 April 3; 336(14):973-9.


Life Is Like a Box of Chocolates

February 17, 2010

If you ate chocolate on Valentine’s Day, I have some news for you. You don’t have to feel guilty.
In fact, I have evidence that you may have cut your risk from dying of a stroke nearly in half.

Two studies give us great news about chocolate.

The first study found that people who ate one serving of chocolate per week were 22% less likely to have a stroke.1
The second study found that people who ate 50 grams of chocolate once a week were 46% less likely to die following a stroke than those who didn’t eat chocolate.2
About 80% of strokes occur when there isn’t enough blood getting to the brain.3 Your brain is starved of oxygen and nutrients and begins to die immediately.
Chocolate helps to counteract that in two ways. It’s rich in antioxidants and helps to increase circulation.

You may get a rush of pleasure when you bite into a piece of chocolate. But chocolate gives you more than instant gratification. Chocolate is filled with antioxidants called flavonoids. Flavonoids protect the body.

Flavonoids fight silent inflammation, which is the leading cause of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, dementia, and many others.4
You can find flavonoids in vegetables, tea, and red wine, but cocoa has more flavonoids.5 In fact, dark chocolate contains up to four times the antioxidants found in tea.6

But that’s not all this Valentine’s Day treat can do.

The flavonol-rich cocoa in chocolate is also a vasodilator.7 It widens blood vessels so circulation is improved. This brings an increased blood flow to the brain. It helps to lower blood pressure and improve heart function. Vasodilators like the cocoa in chocolate also help to increase circulation to sexual organs so they’re ready to respond when you are.
No wonder the scientific name for cocoa translates to “food of the gods.”
When you’re looking for a good source of chocolate, keep this in mind:
  • Look for chocolate that contains 70% or more cocoa. This is the ingredient that contains health benefits.
  • Check how much sugar is added to the chocolate you choose. Keep it as low as possible. But choose sugar over artificial sweeteners or chocolate labeled “sugar free.”
  • Beware of other chemicals in the chocolate. Choose a brand that has pure ingredients and no chemical additives.
  • Make chocolate your special treat of choice once a week.
  • You can find good quality chocolate at a health-food store. More and more it’s finding its way into grocery and drug stores. Read the label to be sure of the quality and content.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD

1 “Can Chocolate Lower Your Risk of Stroke?” American Academy of Neurology. Accessed 02 2010.
2 Ibid.
3 “Causes of Strokes.”
4 Wang, J.F., Schramm, D. D., et al. “A Dose-Response Effect from Chocolate Consumption on Plasma Epicatechin and Oxidative Damage,” Journal of Nutrition. 2000;130:2115S-2119S.
5 Ki Won Lee, KW., Kim, YJ., et al. “Cocoa Has More Phenolic Phytochemicals and a Higher Antioxidant Capacity than Teas and Red Wine” J. Agric. Food Chem. 2003; 51(25):7292–7295.
6 I.Arts, P.Hollman, D.Kromhout “Chocolate as a source of tea flavonoids,” The Lancet. 354; (9177): 488-488.
7 Fisher, N., Hughes, M., et al. “Flavanol-rich cocoa induces nitric-oxide-dependent vasodilation in healthy humans,” Journal of Hypertension: 2003. 21; (12):2281-2286.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Better Than 10 Servings of Spinach

Al Sears, MD11903 Southern Blvd., Ste. 208Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
February 16, 2010
Dear ian,
You’d have to eat 10 servings of spinach to get the same level of minerals from just one serving about 50 years ago.1

Producers create “hybrid” forms of your fruits and vegetables – not for their ability to store nutrients – but for their color, weight and shelve life. Why? So they’ll look nice and pretty when they sit under the fluorescent lights of your supermarket.

You may think they look nutritious, but “under the hood,” they contain little more than indigestible cellulose, sugar, and water.

To help protect you from this tragedy, I created a formula of powerful “green foods” that gives you the nutrient power of over 9 pounds of assorted vegetables – all from drinking a naturally fortified glass of juice or water.

This breakthrough is exciting news.

We first began to know that there was a problem back in 1936. A group of doctors introduced Document No. 264 to the floor of the United States Senate. It was a dire warning that the mineral content of the soil was eroding. Vegetables were losing their power and people were at risk.

Unfortunately Congress did nothing.

Today, we’re feeling the effects…

For instance, just look at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) nutritional values for fruits and vegetables today compared to 1975.2

Here’s the loss of vitamins and minerals:
  • Apples: Vitamin A is down 41%
  • Sweet peppers: Vitamin C is down 31%
  • Watercress: Iron is down 88%
  • Broccoli: Calcium and Vitamin A are down 50%
  • Cauliflower: Vitamin C is down 45%, Vitamin B1 is down 48%, and Vitamin B2 is down 47%
  • Collard greens: Vitamin A is down 45%, Potassium is down 60%, and Magnesium is down 85%
According to USDA’s own numbers, the vitamin and mineral content has dramatically plummeted – in just 30 years!

Notice minerals like iron and magnesium have dropped by more than 80 percent. That’s from commercial farming technology and powerful fertilizers that practically sterilize the soil – leaving it with little to no mineral content.

If the soil doesn’t have minerals, there’s no way for vegetables to absorb them.

And that’s bad news for your health. Magnesium regulates over 300 body functions every day and is critical to heart health and healthy glucose metabolism.*

But the story doesn’t end there…

I wasn’t the only one to realize your fruits and vegetables don’t pack the nutritional punch they used to. A report from the University of Texas in Austin, also tracked the decline of nutrients in produce.

They reported findings at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in St. Louis. They found significant drops in a wide range of produce across the board, including a 20% decline in vitamin C and a 38% plunge in vitamin B2.

What’s worse, fruit and vegetable growers create “hybrids” for the sake of making their produce “look better.” They actually create new versions of all your favorites so they have more water, more sugar, more pith (the indigestible support tissue like the white fibrous netting around an orange section), and less of everything else.

Growers call this the “dilution effect.” For them, more water and more pith helps their produce ship well, look good, and weigh a lot. But it virtually wipes out their vitamin and mineral content.

The plunge in nutrients in your produce over the last 30 to 50 years is bad enough. But it is rapidly getting much worse. Genetic hybrids are pushing nutrient values even lower.

A popular broccoli hybrid called “Marathon” is an alarming example:

By the USDA’s own admission, levels of calcium and magnesium in the Marathon hybrid are 35% lower than other hybrids. The hybrids themselves are 50% lower in calcium and magnesium than “normal” broccoli. And the “normal” broccoli has less than half the calcium and magnesium than broccoli did in 1975!

In less than 50 years, the mineral, vitamin, and antioxidant value native to fruits and vegetables has been virtually “destroyed” – robbing you of the natural vital nutrients you need every day.

But you can take a simple step to get them back.

I’ve created a unique “super food” that gives you back everything you’re missing from your altered food supply.

It has all 71 minerals your body needs everyday – and they’re easy to absorb.

What do I mean by “super foods”?

I’m talking about things like spirulina and chlorophyll, which are packed with the natural vitamins that you need but you’re no longer getting from your produce.

Spirulina is the oldest food on earth, arriving on this planet over 3.5 billion years ago. It’s actually a kind of blue-green algae. After 30 years of clinical study, researchers agree it’s the world’s richest source of vitamins, minerals, iron, protein, and a host of other energizing and detoxifying nutrients.

Scientists at NASA consider it the perfect food for astronauts when they travel into space. In fact, one pound of spirulina has the nutritional power of 1,000 pounds of assorted vegetables.

Barley grass is very well balanced. It has the EXACT blend of amino acids, proteins, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals that you need for optimum health. Its healing powers are so historic you find it mentioned in the Bible.

I have also added over 40 other nutrients designed to boost your energy levels and give you a single source of total nutrition.* Here’s just a partial list of what you’ll find:

  • A Total of 12 Green Super Foods
  • 3 Essential Fibers
  • 12 Healing Herbs
  • 8 Additional Super Foods
  • 6 Energy Dense Sea Vegetables
  • Probiotic Growth Factor (Critical for Digestion and Nutrient Absorption)
Taken in combination, they are more than just the sum of their parts. They have a cumulative effect over time. My Wellness Research Foundation has been using my Ultra Greens formula with remarkable results. Reports of accelerated healing and better health are common.*

I’ve been using Ultra Greens with my patients, too. I’ve watched it improve cardiovascular health… repair and detoxify the liver and lymph nodes… turn the tables on fatigue… boost the immune system and revitalize, energize, and rejuvenate the body.

Living in the 21st century affords you many luxuries. High-speed computers… cell phones… air conditioning and plasma TVs… but the chemicals and industrial solvents that make them possible are poisonous. And they’re flowing through your blood as you read this letter.

In 2005, the nonprofit Environmental Working Group published the results of a sobering study. After analyzing the blood of newborn babies from around the country, they discovered 287 chemicals and other toxins.4 One of the pesticides that turned up the most was a by-product of DDT – a pesticide banned in 1972.

They also found:

  • 76 chemicals that damage cells in humans and animals.
  • 94 that are toxic to the brain and nervous system.
  • 79 that are toxic to a developing fetus.
At this point in history, we’re being poisoned before we take our first breath. But this is not limited to newborns. Not too long ago, PBS aired a Bill Moyers special called “Trade Secrets: A Moyers Report.” In it, Bill Moyers volunteered to have his blood and urine tested for chemical and toxic threats.5

The results were not surprising: Eighty-four distinct chemicals, solvents and toxins that are known to be harmful to your health. These chemical residues – termed the “chemical body burden” – are present in every human being on this planet, regardless of where you live or what you do.

Dr. Michael McCally of Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York, who led the research team for the Bill Moyers report made this comment: “Current ‘normal’ body burdens of dioxin and several other [chemicals] in humans are at or near the range at which toxic effects occur in laboratory animals.”

The message is clear: Studies on animals show that the average person is carrying enough toxins to cause serious DNA damage.

Now you have a way to eliminate chemicals, toxins – even heavy metals from your body. It’s like having your own “clean up crew” that are specially trained to find, isolate and clear out harmful poisons.*

Chlorophyll connects to toxins in the gut and prevents them from being absorbed. Barley grass contains unique amino acids that create a type of cage (chelate) around deadly toxins and carry them out of your body.*

Let me explain…
The word chelate comes from the Greek word meaning “claw.” During the process of chelation, the amino acids in barley grass grab – like a claw – onto toxins like the chemicals and heavy metals flowing through your blood stream.

These “claws” bind to the toxins and drag them out of your system for elimination.*

And when these powerful green foods are used in combination, the results can be life -changing.

Spirulina also has this chelating – or “claw like” ability.

Here’s what some of the world’s leading researchers are saying about the detoxifying power of spirulina:

  • “In an Oregon State University study, laboratory animals were exposed to a potent poisonous substance. The animals given a chlorophyll [spirulina] supplement prior to exposure maintained normal tissue mass than the animals who were not given the supplement. The researchers believe that chlorophyll may help to remove free radicals and other chemicals that may cause DNA damage.*"6
  • “Important to note in the area of prevention, spirulina is richly supplied with the blue pigment phycocyanin, a biliprotein which has been shown to support normal cell growth…”7
  • “Not only has spirulina been shown to improve circulation and maintain healthy blood pressure, but Japanese scientists have discovered that it can also help detoxify the blood and maintain energy levels…”8*
The super foods you’ll find in Ultra Greens invigorate every cell, every tissue and every organ in your body. Over time, its healing power can help balance and reset all your major systems – creating a brand-new body, and a whole new outlook on life.*

Here are just a few of the health concerns that Ultra Greens has relieved or improved:

  • Healthy Weight Reduction: When you have toxins in your body, they’re stored in your fat cells. Ultra Greens removes those toxins, “emptying out your fat cells” for dramatic fat loss results.*
  • Cardiovascular Health: Ultra Greens helps your body remove LDL (bad cholesterol) and maintain healthy triglyceride levels (blood fat). It also has the remarkable ability to maintain your blood pressure that is already within the normal range.*
  • Joint Support: Ultra Greens clears away the chemicals and toxins that cause inflammation.* So far, Ultra Greens is one of the most effective long-term solutions for my patients with joint comfort and mobility concerns.*
  • Fatigue and Difficulty Sleeping: Many of my patients report increased energy and athletic performance. Others tell me they’re sleeping better than they have in years. By purifying your blood and increasing the efficiency and output of your brain and other organs, Ultra Greens gives you “power on demand,” and a restful night’s sleep.*
  • Wrinkles and Sagging Skin: I’ve seen noticeable improvements in skin tone and elasticity in the faces of my own patients. Ultra Greens, being a rich source of nucleic acids like DNA and RNA, provides your skin with age-defying nutrients. The result is smoother, firmer, more radiant skin – with fewer wrinkles and age spots!*
  • Muscle Loss: Bodybuilders love Ultra Greens. Its high quality protein boosts muscle mass and gives them extra strength to push their limits. Even if you’re not interested in weight lifting, Ultra Greens prevents muscle loss and gives you that added kick when you need it.*
  • Weakness and Digestion Trouble: The super foods in Ultra Greens mop up sluggish digestion and help promote healthy intestinal flora.* This is critical, especially if you’ve been eating bread all your life. The difference in your energy levels – and your moods – once this is cleared up is worth taking Ultra Greens all on its own.
Ultra Greens wipes your slate clean and brings you back into balance, the kind of health and stability our ancient ancestors enjoyed before the days of dangerous chemicals and our altered food supply.

I take Ultra Greens EVERY morning. After doing the research and seeing the results for myself (and in my patients), I don’t miss a day. And you shouldn’t either.

Experience for yourself what my patients are talking about. Click HERE and get started today.

To Your Good Health,

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why Are Guys Getting Boob Jobs?

Al Sears, MD
February 15, 2010
Dear ian,
Now here’s a disturbing trend. Men are now getting “breast reduction” surgery like never before. The number of surgeries has risen 2,540% in 5 years.1
Even worse, doctors often recommend surgery when it isn’t necessary.

Remove Deadly Toxins While You Sleep?

I discovered a simple way to help you detox your entire body… It’s both innovative and easy to do.
You take a clean, white detox pad and stick it to the bottom of your foot. Then you go to bed. When you wake up the next morning, the pad is black from all the toxic sludge that leaked out overnight.
Sound like a wild idea? When the pads were analyzed in a lab, they showed traces of dangerous heavy metals and other toxins, like aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium – all of which lead to sickness and chronic disease.

These pads pull toxins from your body using “FAR infrared” energy. It’s an amazing thing to see. My friend Layne Lowery, President of Health Resources, showed them to me. You can read his letter HERE. I recommend you have a look. It’s hands down the easiest way to detox your blood and major organs.
Men usually don’t need breast reduction… they need estrogen reduction.
Here’s the reason:
The female hormone estrogen is behind the rise in man boobs.
There are forms of estrogen everywhere in our environment. It gets into a man’s body and sends the signal to become more feminine, hence the boobs.
It’s bad for women, too. An increase in estrogen means depression and anxiety. And a big increase in the risk of cancer.
Farmers use estrogen in cattle, pigs, and chicken to fatten them up. When you eat the meat, you get the estrogen, too. And that’s not all… there are chemicals that have a structure that looks like estrogen.
These chemicals are also in thousands of products you use everyday. From shampoo, plastic cups, garden hoses, flooring, etc. – all those “estrogen mimics” are getting into your bloodstream and sending “female” signals to the tissues in your body.
Chemicals that look like estrogen send the same feminizing signals as real estrogen. Sadly, your body can’t tell the difference. That’s why so many guys are being turned into women.
It’s not just man boobs you have to worry about. These estrogen signals make you fat, slow, and tired. And they zap your sex life, too.
If you’re a woman, the extra dose of estrogen can make your menstrual cycle more painful. And when you go through menopause, it will likely be more traumatic.
The flood of estrogen you get from your environment stops your body’s production of hormones. That’s your body’s way of trying to stay balanced. If you’re getting estrogen from other sources, your body doesn’t need to make its own.
But along with stopping estrogen, your body will also stop making progesterone. And that’s bad news. Progesterone is a woman’s “feel good” hormone. It relieves anxiety and depression. I see low levels of progesterone in at least half of my female patients, if not more.
On top of feeling depressed and irritable, all that extra estrogen ramps up your risk for heart attack, stroke, and cancer.2,3
The good news is you can take simple steps to get rid of the extra estrogen in your blood. The first step is to lower your exposure to chemicals, especially in your food:
  • Avoid processed, packaged, and fast foods.
  • Eat organic whenever you can.
  • Stick to grass-fed, hormone-free beef and poultry products.
  • Eat wild-caught fish whenever possible.
  • Stay away from processed grains.
Step two is taking natural compounds that flush excess estrogen from your bloodstream. They’re often sold together at any health-food store. One is Indole 3 Carbinole (I-3-C), and the other is Diindolylmethane (DIM).
I-3-C and DIM are concentrated forms of cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables are great at clearing estrogen, but you would have to eat a lot to get the estrogen-cleansing effect. Taking a supplement is easier. To give you an idea, 400 mg of I-3-C is equal to 130 raw brussels sprouts or ¼ head of raw cabbage.4
If you have trouble finding these supplements in your neighborhood, you can take Estro-Cleanse. It’s my own formula, the one I give my patients.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD

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