Sunday, August 12, 2018

Full-Fat Milk Could Stop Strokes, Says Study

Drinking full-fat milk could lead to a longer life by protecting against strokes, scientists have suggested.

While conventional diet advice has for decades dictated that skimmed and semi-skimmed milk is much healthier for us than full-fat milk, a study suggests that the opposite may be true.

Researchers found no significant link between dairy fats and heart disease and stroke, two of the biggest killers associated with a diet high in saturated fat. In fact, certain types of dairy fat might actually help guard against having a severe stroke, researchers reported.

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

Life is an Adventure'

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Eating Your Way to a Longer Life

4 Rules of The Diet of Longevity
1) Drink Warm
Most of us have the habit of drinking cold beverages packed full of ice. It's refreshing, but warm drinks may be better. Just like how the Japanese often drink hot green tea with their meals, it will benefit you as well to do the same. Not only does it detoxify and aids in digestion, drinking warmer beverages even help to slow down aging, promote healthy hair, and maintain clearer skin. However, be careful not to drink beverages that are too warm till it burns your tongue. It should only be warm enough to make you sweat a little.

2) Eat More Fish

Typical diets usually consist alot of red meat such as pork, beef, and the likes. While they do have their own benefits, eating fish may help in increasing your longevity. All types of fish are rich with nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, Iodine, and high-quality protein. Studies have also shown that those who eat more than 1 serving of fish per week had 15% lower chances of being diagnosed with heart disease.

3) Greens are Good
In almost every Japanese meal, you will have an assortment of vegetables and beans - even in your typical California Rolls!

Greens are a staple in the Japanese diet. Not only are they loaded with vitamins and nutrients, they also help to hydrate your body, and are extremely low in calories. The average Japanese eats about 5 to 6 servings of vegetables daily, a stark contrast to our standards of maybe about 2 to 3 servings. While our parents have always nagged at us to eat more vegetables, perhaps they did have a point.

4) Enjoy Your Meals
We spend about 1 in 24 moments of our life eating. If we are too conscious of everything we eat. that's a really big part of our lives that we spend being stressed out. I believe everything comes in moderation. Even the Japanese take some time to enjoy their sake (rice alcohol) and snacks. If you can only eat natural wholesome food that benefit your health for at least 2 of your daily meals, you would be doing quite well already. Who knows, you might just end up eating healthy all the time, and enjoy it too!

 If you have any other tips or experiences for a long and healthy life, please feel free to leave a comment below, have a great day!