Monday, January 24, 2011

What your doctor never told you...

Here's a secret...

And it's the unfortunate truth that no one has ever told you...not even your own doctor!

The main cause for your body's decline in youth, health, and vitality is purely environmental.

A lot of the "signs of aging" can be attributed to environmental factors around you; pollutants, radiation, oxidants... these things contribute to the decline of your body's health.

These factors hasten the breakdown of healthy cells in your immune system, and as a result you find yourself becoming tired and aging quicker.

But there is a way for you to delay or even reverse the effects of these environmental factors and turn back your body's clock.

Some of you might read this and think it's absurd to even try to beat the clock, to turn back the hands of time and delay the inevitable Old Age Syndrome.

Let me tell you right now:

Stay Active, Vital & Energized 

Work hard, play hard and keep doing what you love well into your 80s, 90s or 100s.
That’s not wishful thinking – it’s a medical reality. With new breakthrough technology, you can stay active and keep moving like a 50-year-old right through the age of 100.

You’ll find the keys to this rejuvenation in Reset Your Biological Clock, the revolutionary new book from renowned integrative physician and natural health expert Dr. Al Sears, M.D.

He reveals an exciting breakthrough that can enable you to turn on your anti-aging genes and reduce the effects of 10 to 20 years of aging. Find out how you can look 30% younger … reverse your genetic clock and recreate the body you had in your 20s … 

If you want to stay independent and do more than you ever thought you could, click here to get started…Last year, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for something you probably haven’t heard about. Researchers discovered the primary cause of human aging – the long-sought-after “genetic clock” – and how to halt aging in its tracks. 

Dr. Al Sears has been involved in this cutting-edge technology since its beginning.
You can now use this Nobel Prize to knock years off your age and live healthier and longer than ever before. Read below to discover how to turn back your genetic clock, reverse the aging process, overcome fatigue and look years younger...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Keep up the New Years resolution - Tips,

Boosting your metabolism

If you skip breakfast, your metabolism slows down to conserve the little energy you have left from the overnight fast, which means that your body will want to store anything you consume later in the day. Research shows that by eating a balanced and complete breakfast you can kick-start your metabolism, and fill yourself up so you are less likely to make unhealthy meal choices later in the day. It will also give you energy to function.

Gut healthy fibre to aid digestion & suppress appetite

A high fibre diet (approximately 30-40g per day) reduces your risk of chronic disease such as diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. It is also a great way to help you feel full quicker and lose weight. Fibre acts like a sponge and soaks up sugar in the foods you eat, and releases it slowly, helping control blood sugar levels. It also reduces cholesterol absorption and excretion, therefore reducing your blood cholesterol and your risk of heart disease. This sponge effect will also make you feel fuller and therefore eat less, and also be less likely to make unhealthy meal choices.

Antioxidants - fight free radicals & oxidative damage

There is consistent evidence in research that diets rich in fruit, vegetables and other plant foods are associated with lower rates of obesity, and lower mortality rates from cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer. This association is partly given to the high level of antioxidants in fruits and vegetables, which protect our bodies against chronic disease by decreasing free radical oxidative damage. Free radicals are a common by-product of normal metabolism and stresses to our body such as pollution, exposure to the sun, exercise, smoking and poor diet. Acai is rich in anthocyanins, a type of phytosterol, giving it the characteristic deep purple colour. The food industry is now labeling antioxidants in food with ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). Data from the US Department of Agriculture suggests a serving of fresh fruit and vegetables has 850-2,500 ORAC units. One 5g serving of Organic freeze dried Acai will provide you with around 4,695 ORAC units!

Heart friendly nutrients

We know that proper diet can help reduce heart risk, even if you have risk factors which cannot change (such as age, genetics and family history). A heart friendly diet not only protects us from heart disease, it also protects against adult-onset diabetes, cancer and obesity. One of the key aspects is the inclusion of fruits and vegetables and the replacement of saturated fat in the diet by unsaturated fats. Numerous research studies have shown such a diet can reduce heart disease and stroke by 25%, and it is believed that it’s the abundance of antioxidants which protect the LDL (bad cholesterol) from oxidizing, which is what forms plaque in our arteries and hence artery hardening or atherosclerosis. Acai is naturally cholesterol free, low in saturated fats, and high in the unsaturated fats omega-6 and omega-9 which reduce LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels. Acai is also richer in monounsaturated fats than polyunsaturated fats, which maintain the good HDL-cholesterol levels. A synergy of monounsaturated (healthy) fats, dietary fibre and antioxidants help the cardiovascular system and digestive tract.

Increased Energy & Stamina

What does Acai have that gives you sustained energy throughout the day? Carbohydrates and fibre. Carbohydrates, when digested, release sugar into our blood. The measure of the extent of the sugar rise is called the Glycemic Index (GI). The lower the GI, the slower the food is digested and absorbed, producing a gradual rise in blood sugar levels. RioLife Acai pulp has a glycemic load (GL) of 0.5. GL gives a fuller picture then GI alone, since it considers the amount of carbohydrate consumed. A GL of 10 or less is considered low, therefore helping control blood sugar levels and lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The dietary fibre acts like a sponge and helps to slow down digestion, which may help prevent weight gain and therefore your risk of obesity.

Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamin E - A fat soluble vitamin which has antioxidant properties. It protects our cells from oxidation, and prevents healthy unsaturated fats from oxidation as well.
Iron - An essential mineral needed by many cells in our bodies, including red blood cells, to carry oxygen.
Calcium - Needed for our bones and teeth to develop properly, for their maintenance, and for our muscles and heart to function.
Magnesium - A mineral needed for our bodies to produce energy, also helping regulate potassium and calcium. Important in bone formation and muscles.
Phosphorus - Part of our DNA, cell membranes and enzymes, it is needed to maintain bones and teeth and in energy metabolism.

Athlete fuel

Any person who engages in physical activity needs to maintain a fuel and nutrient-rich diet. Foods which provide our bodies with fuel to perform are rich in carbohydrates. Training whilst low on carbohydrates will make you feel tired and make work outs ineffective. Acai is a nutritious carbohydrate rich food. Calcium that helps maintain bone health and muscle contraction, and iron to help your body circulate oxygen. Exercise also depletes our bodies of essential salts and minerals. Eating Acai after a workout provides your body with a good combination of carbohydrate, protein, fats and minerals. The last benefit for athletes is the high antioxidant content. Exercise equals stress in our bodies, which translates into an increase in free radicals. Acai's antioxidants help our bodies with the high stress our tissues experience with exercise.

Last year, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for something you probably haven’t heard about. Researchers discovered the primary cause of human aging – the long-sought-after “genetic clock” – and how to halt aging in its tracks.
Dr. Al Sears has been involved in this cutting-edge technology since its beginning.
You can now use this Nobel Prize to knock years off your age and live healthier and longer than ever before. Read below to discover how to turn back your genetic clock, reverse the aging process, overcome fatigue and look years younger...

May you have a great year everyone.